DirecTV and Hotel Wifi – Heaven or Hell?

DirecTV and Hotel Wifi – Heaven or Hell?

DirecTV, in their infinite wisdom, has decided recently to take advantage of your hotels wifi system and internet connection to stream content into the rooms for guests. So what does this mean for you as a hotel operator? It means after installing this DirecTV system,...
Hotel Flags Should Kill the Wifi Splash Page

Hotel Flags Should Kill the Wifi Splash Page

The wifi splash page and redirection is a holdover of days gone past and something I have never understood the need for. Companies want to use it for promotional or monetary purposes that would seem to have nothing to do with giving the guest a better experience at...
Running Network Cables or Not in Your Bed & Breakfast

Running Network Cables or Not in Your Bed & Breakfast

Running network cables for wifi or other needs in a Bed & Breakfast is problematic at best. These Inns were definitely not constructed with wifi in mind and running cables. Plus, a large portion of Inns are Historic structures and drilling holes everywhere. So how...
The Importance of Keeping Up with The Times

The Importance of Keeping Up with The Times

No, not Morris Day and The Time, but keeping your technology systems up with the times. Generally speaking, technology has refresh cycles so you can budget for these upgrades and not get stuck in an emergency when that old system suddenly decides to take a crap at the...