Windows is ubiquitous – it’s everywhere! And while it is fine for personal use, it comes up lacking in the business center department. Hell, in the beginning, we even tried to use Windows for Business Centers.

What happened was a support nightmare and disappointed guests and staff. Windows is by nature a very open and accessible operating system. So, to secure it for Hotel Business Center use, you have to add a software package and make many, many settings changes to Windows. What we found is that this makes for a very unstable platform from which to serve your guests. Ever have your Windows Business Center lock up and die?

So what did we do? Well, we have always used Linux around here for it’s robustness and security so we wondered if it could be used for Hotel Business Centers. And the answer is, it works great! We took a version of Linux and trimmed it down to only the essentials we needed making the install package very small – which made it run on just about any old computer. We then added the features we needed such as a read only operating system, terms of service, adult content blocking, etc.

We now have a Hotel Business Center operating system that can run on your old hardware and provide all the features you need. Settings cannot be changed, software connect be installed on it. It does what it does and no more.

Guests can surf the web, print (including wirelessly), use cloud apps like Google Docs, work with Office document, load and save from thumb drives and much more in a safe, secure environment for your guest and you!

To learn more, check out our Hotel Business Center page.